The strategy to get rich depends also by which day of week promotion occurs. You may be promoted to a position having next days free, and while waiting next working day to get the next promotion, your adult Sim may turn into elder and get retired.

Number of work days vary from job to job, higher paying jobs may have less work days thus comparing jobs in terms of weekly earnings is difficult from above summarized table (use Excel table for details about work days), but daily earnings also matter, because in the day of promotion you are getting a bonus double of daily salary, and if you’re clever to be promoted to top of career then send sim at work in bad mood to get demoted and re-promoted you can get promotion bonus again. This depend by lots of variables… no career is the best in all circumstances. Which is the best career track in The Sims 2? Watch video to see the Excel file you receive after payment.

Summary of salaries is shown in this table: Career track I compiled an Excel database with all career tracks and job positions, showing also job description, salary, work days, skills and friends required, etc.